
Cantorial | Conducting | Klezmer | Services


Cantor Roytman began his studies of hazzanut in 1994 first, with Hazzan Henrly Rosenblum of North Suburban Synagogue Beth El in Highland Park, IL and later with Hazzan Shlomo Shuster of Niles Township Ezrah Habonim Congregation in Skokie, IL.

With Hazzan Shuster as his primary teacher and mentor Cantor Roytman undertook additional cantorial studies with Hazzan Cory Winter of BJBE Congregation in Glenview, IL and Hazzan Alberto Mizrahi of Anshe Emet congregation in Chicago.

Before obtaining his cantorial pulpit at Temple Beth Israel in Skokie, IL, Cantor Roytman served as a part-time cantor for Shaarei Atid congregation of Glencoe. He also served as a substitute cantor for Niles Township Congregation Ezrah Habonim and a High Holiday cantor at Chicago’s City Central Synagogue.


While working as cantorial intern/director of music for Temple Beth Israel, Cantor Roytman completed the cantorial certificating program offered by the ACC and the HUC-JIR School of Sacred music (Currently Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music). He received his investiture as Reform Cantor from the American Conference of Cantors in 2005.

In 2011 Cantor Roytman became a cantor at Beth Hillel Congregation B’nai Emunah, a Conservative synagogue in Wilmette Illinois. That same year he enrolled into the CICA (Cantorial Investiture w/Cantors Assembly) program and in 2015, upon the program’s completion, Cantor Roytman became a full-fledged member of CA, the Conservative Cantors Assembly.
Cantor Roytman is active in the RCC (The Reform Cantors Chicago) and the local CA chapter.

He is a member of CMASM (Chicago Milwaukee Association of Synagogue Musicians).

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